README file of MetaGUN Release Version 1.0 ====================================================================== Copyright Deparment of BioMedical Engineering, College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing ====================================================================== INTRODUCTION: - MetaGUN is a gene prediction protocol for metagenomic fragments based on a machine learning approach of SVM. It implements in a three-stage strategy to predict genes. Firstly, it classifies input fragments into phylogenetic groups by a k-mer based sequence binning method. Then, protein-coding sequences are identified for each group independently with SVM classifiers that integrate entropy density profiles (EDP) of codon usage, translation initiation (TIS) scores and open reading frame (ORF) length as input patterns. Finally, the TISs are adjusted by employing a modified version of MetaTISA. - This package includes the following files and directories: + src -- The C++ source codes + bin -- The executable files + dat -- The parameter files + binmodel -- The parameter files for fragments classification + cdsmodel -- The SVM classifiers for CDS identification + tismodel -- The supervised TIS parameter files + Cdd -- The BLAST database of conserved domains + scripts -- The Python scripts + -- The overall MetaGUN prediction pipeline + -- A script for running the subprocess of fragments classification separately + -- A script for running the subprocess of domain searches separately + example -- An example FASTA sequence file for testing ====================================================================== INSTLLATION: - Requirements We built the MetaGUN pipeline by using Python scripts. So, the installation of Python programming language is required before running MetaGUN program. A relese version of Python2 after Python2.6 is needed. You can get Python from its official website: - LINUX Run ./build script - WINDOWS Uncompress the win32_binary.rar and copy all the executable files to the 'bin' directory, then run convert2dos.cdsmodels.bat to convert the SVM classifiers into DOS format. ====================================================================== IMPLEMENTATION: - Generally, simply run to predict genes for metagenomic fragments by defining the project name and the path of the input sequences. Like running on the example data we provided: ./scripts/ -n example -s example/example.seq Prediction will be implemented on example.seq, and the final result saves in example.metagun - For convenience, the subproccesses of the fragment classification and the domain searches can be run separately. We provide two scripts namely and in the 'scripts' directory. Taking the provided 'example.seq' as an example, you can firstly obtain the fragment classification results, ./scripts/ example/example.seq example.bin and the domain search results, ./scripts/ example/example.seq example.blastcdd separately. Then, do gene prediction by specifying the fragment classification results with -b option, and the domain search results with -B option, ./scripts/ -n example -s example/example.seq -b example.bin -B example.blastcdd Prediction will be saved in file example.metagun - The prediction results is the 'MED' format, like, >Read01 1 144 + 791 868 + 202 765 - >Read02 88 870 + 2 82 - >Read03 3 869 -